“First York, then New York!”

Echo #0 / 15th September 2018

Sleep had become easier to me over the past year. I didn’t know if it was a result of the stress, the medication I started roughly around this time last year, or a combination of both. Either way, I felt grateful. Sleep had been something of a myth to me – I did get experience it, but not consistently, nor was it restful. Nightmares, and at times, night terrors, often kept my conscious mind awake, and deep slumber only came once in a blue moon.

            However, in the past year, everything changed. In addition to completing my last year of my undergraduate degree and wrapping up my final project, I prioritized my mental well-being. I dedicated myself to DBT sessions, completed their assigned homework, attended counselling, secured a part-time job to support myself, got into meditation, and began regularly going to the gym. With so many outlets and resources, I had been slowly confronting the demons of my past. Embarking on a journey towards improvement, healing and growth.

            And with that, the nightmares began to fade away. Occasional ones still cropped up, but deep, peaceful slumber was becoming my best friend.

            It wasn’t too surprising to find myself slumbering off during the journey of the day, my head resting on the car door, music blaring in my ears with the morning sun casting shadows on my face.

            Hours later, my mind yawning to life, I groggily opened my eyes. Neck screaming, the bright daylight was the ultimate punishment as I awoke to the rushing roads of the motorway. My eyes gradually adjusted to the much brighter morning than just hours before, and I stretched my arms as much as I could within the confinements of the car.

            A physical yawn quickly followed, and as I slowly crawled out of my sleepy daze, I heard a muffled sound amid the blaring music. I removed my earphones and shifted my focus to the driver.

            “Have a nice nap?” Dad asked, his tone dripping with playful sarcasm. His grin, ever-present, never failed to remind me of that drugged up cat from Alice in Wonderland.

            I offered him a faint smile before another yawn washed over me. “Yeah, it was alright thanks.”

            Dad maintained his smile, but he rolled his eyes and focused on the motorways ahead. “Shouldn’t be too much longer. You think you can stay up long enough?”

            “Dude, I gave you two options.” I scoffed playfully, shifting in my seat as it was starting to ache a little. “Either I sleep the majority of the way, or I throw up in your car.” I extended my hands in gesture, settling the debate.

            Dad rolled his eyes once more, his remnants of a smile making me laugh, but neither of us said anything. We both knew I struggled with motion sickness, particularly on boats or ships. Even the smell of the seaside can could trigger me to feel ill or sometimes throw up.

            I turned off my earphones and gazed out of the window. Various cars raced by, all eager to get to their destinations. My eyes drifted away from the motorways to the lines of trees at the fringes of the man-made world. Swaying in the September breeze, the sun was shining brightly today, causing the tree’s seasoning leaves sparkle. The clear blue sky seemed ready to engulf the entire world.

            My eyes lost to the world’s natural scenery around me, while my mind embarked on a quest. Search for… something. Perhaps nerves, dread, fear, anything that could slap me with the reality of my destination – where I was headed.


            Yet, I found nothing.

            Instead, a sense of calmness and even a hint of underlying excitement prevailed.

            ‘That’s good!’ The bright, positive voice within me chimed in as silent confusion swirled. ‘Isn’t it?’

            I wasn’t sure if everyone experienced this or if it was simply a unique “Rose Thing”, but sometimes, I engaged in internal dialogues. No, it didn’t indicate any mental health disorder, it wasn’t anything dangerous. It was more like an angel and devil dynamic, although which was which often depended on the situation. Mentally, I referred to one as the bright voice, perpetually optimistic, and the other as the responsible voice, occasionally bordered on being critical.

            It was during my mid-teens that the two voices, along with my own inner voice, began to surface. Looking back, it made sense in a strange way. It was around my mid-teens that I also discovered my love and talent for writing, and I suppose my imagination and creativity were always on after. These internal monologues not only provided a great source of inspiration for my stories but also entertained me when observing drama or other situations unfold.

            As I’ve grown older, especially in the past year, the two voices have mellowed. They’re still there, primarily offering commentary, but it’s mostly just me with my own thoughts. Nowadays, my thoughts aren’t quite as loud either.

            Moments like this, when I puzzled over my lack of negative feelings, made me appreciate my quirky, creative mind. In a way, it was nice to know I wasn’t alone in my thoughts.

            “So…” Dad’s booming voice broke through my thoughts. “Nerves yet?”

            Mentally, I cringed, but I fought to not have my face not to reflect that, which was a challenge. “Yeah, a bit.” I lied, hoping my tone conveyed the white lie. “Though, I think I’m more nervous for when uni starts.” That part was true. Introduction would kick off towards the end of the month, and I’d be meeting everyone on my postgraduate course.

            Meeting new people? Not something I excelled at.

            “Hmm…” Dad’s thoughtful hum, reminding me of when I was a child – a different version of myself – would say something that wasn’t a hundred percent honest, and Dad would know but wouldn’t call me out on it. “And that new job?”

            “Start on Wednesday.” I muttered, my shoulders slumping down a bit as my eyes returned to the road. “Feeling good about that. Retail isn’t anything new to me.”

            A momentary silence followed, Dad steering into a new lane and then back. “Heard from the family?”

            Instantly, my shoulders tensed. It was a reflexive reaction, something I was trying to work on, but at this stage, it was unavoidable.

            “Yeah,” I finally answered, doing my best to hide my discomfort while I remembered my last conversation with a family member. “Last night. They wished me good luck for today.” I released a long breath, my gaze drifting back to the nature outside.

            I could feel Dad’s eyes briefly on me. “What?” He inquired, no longer concealing the fact that he sensed something was amiss.

            I shook my head. “Nothing, it’s just…” Hesitation weighed on me. I didn’t want to fully express what – or what wasn’t – said, or how I felt. But I didn’t want to lie or gloss over it. “Do you think I can do this?” I snuck a glance at Dad, whose attention was fixed on the motorway. “Do you think I can build a life there? In York?”

            Dad didn’t provide an immediate answer, and my heart sank. It wasn’t fair. While I understood he needed time to consider his answer, his hesitation still stung.

            “It’s not permanent,” Dad finally concluded. “You never know, you might not even like York, and if so, you can always come back.”

            I grasped the intention behind his words. He was attempting to reassure me, trying not to add more pressure that he believed I was placing on myself. The rational, responsible side of me understood that but…I don’t want to come back, I thought sadly.

            Looking back out the window, I felt a slight crushing of my spirit. Insecurities roaring to the surface as my mind replayed the phone conversation the night before alongside my father’s words. While neither party outright said I couldn’t do it, the tones and implications told a different story. And with that, they poked and prodded my insecurities, until I felt the familiar rush of anxiety tingle through me.

            ‘Nope’, the responsible voice slapped me. ‘Nope. You are not going to have a freaking anxiety attack in front of Dad!’

            Forcing my eyes shut, I focused on my breathing. In. Out. In. Out. DBT teachings came back to me, with the instructor giving us a meditation roadmap. To create an image. A place in your mind where you would feel safe.

            Behind the darkness of my closed eyelids, the greenest grass emerged, perfectly trimmed, bathed in the summer’s sunlight. A tall tree stood at the centre, at the centre, towering over the smaller trees nearby. As the familiar scene continued to take shape, I heard a gentle flow of a distant stream, hidden away with access only through the bushes up ahead…

            The anxiety faded, and I opened my eyes, the serene mental imagery giving way to the sight of sparse nature and the passing motorways. A tiny smile graced my face as I sat up a bit straighter.

            “I think I can,” I muttered, my gaze fixed outside. “I know I can.”

            “Uh huh.” Dad let out; his tone a familiar one. I had heard it from many people too many times.

            Taking a moment, I grinned and squared my shoulders defiantly.

            “Well, you know what they say Dad.” I began, my voice carrying a rare sense of optimism and confidence as I turned my head toward him. “First York, then New York!”

            Dad responded with a sound that was a mixture of a heavy sigh and a light chuckle, accompanied with an eye roll. I couldn’t help but let out the natural laugh at that, and the atmosphere lightened once more.

            The car journey continued, progressing toward York, which would become not only my home for the next year but also for the next four years. It was a home that would grant me lifelong friends, bolster my courage and give lessons in independence.

            At the time of the car journey, all of this remained unknown to me. I was venturing into the uncertain. However, like those ancient fantasy prophecies or great ironies of life, I had jokingly foretold my future.

            “First York, then New York!

How The Blog Works

“I’m writing my story so that others might see fragments of themselves.”

– Lena Waithe

As we approach January 4th and the release of the first edition of my ‘Wanders’ for the world to see, I’d like to take a moment to explain how the blog entries, notes, and post-notes function.

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.

  • Disclaimers

To begin, at the start of each week’s blog post, there will be disclaimers covering the following:

“This blog is a personal diary, and the content shared here is based on my own experiences, thoughts, and opinions. I am not a professional in any field, and the information provided on this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only.

I do my best to ensure the accuracy and validity of the content I share, but I cannot guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the information. The content may evolve or change over time as I continue to learn and grow.

Please keep in mind that any advice, tips, or recommendations I provide are based on my personal experiences and should not be considered as professional advice. Before making any decisions or taking actions based on the content of this blog, I recommend consulting with qualified professionals or experts in the relevant field.

I am not responsible for any consequences that may arise from following the information provided on this blog. Your use of this blog and its content is at your own discretion and risk.

I value respectful and constructive discussions, so I welcome comments and feedback. However, I reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are offensive, spammy, or violate the blog’s policies.

By accessing and using this blog, you agree to abide by this disclaimer and all applicable laws and regulations.

Thank you for visiting and reading my blog. I hope you find it interesting and enjoyable.”

I feel this is important to have as, whilst I do remember a lot and have written lots of notes, it’s probably not fully accurate and is based on my perspective, not of others.

  • Trigger Warnings

Alongside the weekly disclaimer, in the event that a post delves into a particularly distressing topic, I want to ensure that I provide a trigger warning for individuals who may have experienced similar hardships.

This blog post contains content that may be triggering to some readers. I will be sharing personal experiences and thoughts related to previous abuse, self-harm, alcohol issues, and mental health difficulties. Please be mindful of your own well-being and consider whether you are in the right emotional state to continue reading.

If you feel that these topics might be distressing or harmful to you, I strongly encourage you to prioritize your mental and emotional health. It’s perfectly okay to skip this post or come back to it when you feel better prepared to engage with these sensitive subjects.

Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources and people who can provide support. If you or someone you know is struggling with any of the issues mentioned in this post, please consider seeking help from a mental health professional or a trusted individual in your life.

Please proceed with caution, and take care of yourself as you read further.

This example will be adjusted based on the subject matter of the blog post.

  • People

Since the ‘Wanders’ are personal diaries, they include interactions with other individuals. To respect their privacy, I have altered the names of those who appear in the Entries, Echoes, and Endnote. I have also made modifications to aspects of my own previous name to safeguard the privacy of individuals associated with my former names.

When discussing my blog verbally or referring to individuals within it, I will use the names I’ve chosen for the blog. Even if individuals from the blog choose to reveal their real identities (provided it’s their choice), I will still use their blog names to ensure the privacy of others who prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Entries

The ‘Wanders’ entries will be set in the then-present time, corresponding to when I was in the country mentioned. For instance, ‘My American Wanders’ took place in the summer of 2022, so the dates will align with that timeframe.

Each entry will be accompanied by a date and a unique number. If you happen to forget the specific date but remember the entry number (e.g., Entry #12), you can easily locate it.

To enhance readability and prevent overwhelming readers with lengthy entries, I’ll be dividing some of them into multiple parts. This will be indicated by a decimal next to the entry number and another number (e.g., Entry #12.1). The number of parts in each entry will vary based on its length, but the longest ones will typically be split into four parts.

  • Echoes

The ‘Wanders’ echoes are memories from past events in my life that will enrich the week of entries that follows. These echoes will typically appear at the beginning of each week, though not necessarily every week. They will be included when necessary to offer additional context for emotional moments or insights into my behavior.

Similar to ‘Wanders’ entries, these echoes will also be numbered (e.g., Echo #3) and roughly dated.

  • Endnote

Finally, The ‘Wanders’ endnote serves as the epilogue for each ‘Wanders’ edition. It takes place after the conclusion of the travel entries and delves into the aftermath of the entire experience.

In contrast to the previous two sections, the endnote is not numbered but will include a date.

Blog Policy of Wander with Rose

  1. Introduction
  • Welcome to Wander with Rose! This blog is dedicated space for inspiring travel enthusiasts and adventure-seekers. Before you start exploring our content, we kindly ask you to take a moment to review our blog policy.

2. Content Guidelines

  • Wander with Rose covers topics related to travel, personal growth and mental health with themes relating to identity, previous trauma.
  • We prioritize informative and engaging content that is related to experiences and, when relevant and needed, research.
  • Content should be relevant, accurate, and respectful.
  • We do not tolerate hate speech, discrimination, or offensive content.

3. Tone and Style

  • Our preferred tone is causal, quirky and sometimes deeply thoughtful and emotional.
  • We strive writing that suits the tone of each post, clear and concise, and never sways to far from each other.
  • This space encourages the writing of the blog to be creative and authentic while maintaining respect and professionalism.

4. Posting Frequency

  • We aim to publish new content from it’s launch date of 4th January 2024.
  • From then Entries, Echoes and Endnote will be published on a weekly basis, ranging between once a week to five times a week.
  • How many times we will post will be dependant on the length of either Entry or Echo.
  • The days that new content will be posted will be announced each Sunday through both this blog site and social media.
  • Exceptions may occur based on the availability of quality content or personal emergencies.

5. Content Ownership

  • Content published on Wander with Rose directly belongs to Rose Jean Brookes unless noted otherwise within the post.
  • We retain the right to edit and remove content for quality control and compliance with our policies.

6. Attribution and Citations

  • We value proper attribution and citations.
  • The author should provide accurate sources and references when applicable.

7. Comment and Interaction Guidelines

  • We encourage constructive and respectful discussions in the comments section.
  • Hate speech, spam, or disrespectful comments will be moderated.
  • We appreciate thoughtful engagement with our readers.

8. Privacy and Security

  • Wander with Rose respects user privacy and follows applicable privacy laws.
  • Any data collected is used solely for the blog’s purposes.
  • We maintain security measures to protect user data.

9. Affiliate Links and Sponsored Content

  • We may use affiliate links and publish sponsored content.
  • Transparency is important to us, and we will always disclose such affiliations.

10. Copyright and Intellectual Property

  • We respect copyright and intellectual property rights.
  • The author will not reproduce copyrighted content without proper permission.

11. Disclaimers and Disclosures

  • This blog is a personal diary, and the content shared here is based on my own experiences, thoughts, and opinions. I am not a professional in any field, and the information provided on this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
  • I do my best to ensure the accuracy and validity of the content I share, but I cannot guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the information. The content may evolve and change over time as I continue to learn and grow.
  • Please keep in mind that any advice, tips, or recommendations I provide are based on my personal experiences and should not be considered as professional advice. Before making any decisions or taking actions based on the content of this blog, I recommend consulting with qualified professionals or experts in the relevant field.
  • I am not responsible for any consequences that may arise from following the information provided on this blog. However, I will do my best to ensure any sensitive topics will be warned prior to each post. Your use of this blog and its content is at your own discretion and risk.
  • I value respectful and constructive discussions, so I welcome comments and feedback. However, I reserve the right to moderate and remove comments that are offensive, spammy, or violate the blog’s policies.
  • By accessing and using this blog, you agree to abide by this disclaimer and all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Thank you for visiting and reading my blog. I hope you find it interesting and enjoyable.

12. Monetization and Revenue Generation

  • Currently, I am looking into using AdSense as part of monetization. Any other income that comes forward in the future I will disclose to the public and within this blog policy.

13. Community Guidelines

  • Wander with Rose is committed to fostering a positive and engaging community. We encourage open discussions, questions, and shared experiences related to travel, personal growth and mental health.
  • Treat fellow community members with respect and kindness. Differing opinions are welcome when expressed constructively.
  • Hate speech, discrimination, or any form of offensive content will not be tolerated. Any such content will be promptly removed.
  • We appreciate constructive criticism and suggestions that contribute to the improvement of the content and community experience.
  • Avoid spamming the comments section or engaging in excessive self-promotion. Relevant and meaningful contributions are encouraged.
  • Comments are subject to moderation to maintain a positive and inclusive community. Any comments violating these guidelines may be removed.
  • If you encounter any inappropriate content or behaviour, please contact wanderwithroseofficial@gmail.com.

14. Guest Posts and Contributors

  • As of today I have no plans to have any guest posts or contributors, but if this were to change I will let public know in advance and change the blog policy around this area.

15. Contact Information

16. Changes to the Policy

  • This blog policy was written on the 26th of December and it is not perfect. It will update and change as the blog progresses.
  • Any time there is an update to the blog, I will review and update the policy as well.