Entry 5.2 / 13th to 17th June 2022
We had training day Thursday, meeting various other new co-workers who would be working alongside us internationals – the American workers. It was fairly overwhelming, especially when I was separated from the other internationals. I understood it was the camp’s officials’ way of encouraging us to interact with the American workers and make friends with them. However, even if there was just one other international with me, I would have felt more comfortable.
But I got through it, mentally patting myself on the back as I eventually found Lewis amidst all the chaos. Training had just finished, so everyone was either engaged in conversations with one another or trying to find their way out of the camp to go home.
As we had to wait for transport to the university campus, half of us internationals found ourselves waiting.
“Where is everyone?” I asked Lewis once I made my way over to him.
Lewis looked around the crowds, “I think some of them are going to the pool, and another lot going to play a card game.” He looked down to me, “has anyone said anything in the chat?”
Digging my phone out of my bag, I saw a few messages. “Janet said her, Ryan and Alan are at Metropohis if anyone wants to join them.” I thought about it, as I was curious about the massive indoor (but outdoor?) playground when I first saw it on the tour. “I’m gonna go, wanna come too?”
Lewis shrugged. “Sure.”
After a ten-minute walk away from the crowds, we discovered the three lounging around just outside the playground entrances. I can’t recall exactly how we reached this point, but we decided to have races around the massive playground. The goal was to reach the opposite side of the entry of where we started – which there was four. The person not participating would film the race and time it.
We all took turns. At times, the race involved four people, while other times it was just three or two. Eventually, it was narrowed down to one person, and we timed whoever was going around the entire playpen. The person with the shorter time would emerge as the winner.
At one point, during my timing, I got down one of the slides and was confused of where to go next.
“We can’t help you!” Lewis called out.
I heard Janet next. “Oi, she helped you.”
“Did she?” Lewis replied, dumbfounded.
“Yeah.” Ryan affirmed.
“Oh sorry! I didn’t hear!” Lewis apologised, followed by low chuckling.
I let out a puff of laughter myself as I climbed to the top of the playpen. “I see where the loyalty is Lewis!”
Once I was at the top, Ryan called out. “Down the slide, down the slide!”
Lewis then came in. “Yeah, you’ve gone too high! You have to go down the slide now!”
I then gestured to the small gap that led over a small bridge to the next area of the playpen. “What about down there?!”
“Just go in there!” Ryan exclaimed back, gesturing to the slide.
Small laughter had crackled among them.
“Keep going up!” A shout came once I slid down the slide once more and I rolled my eyes with a barely contained smile, catching on to what they were doing.
It was so liberating, reminiscent of childhood. I was certain that the much younger version of myself would have immensely enjoyed this experience – just running around, acting like an idiot, and simply having fun.
Sometime during our races, Courtney reached out on the chat and asked if she could join us. I enthusiastically invited her, and she came to join our group.
It felt great to be a part of something so absurd yet memorable. I could easily envision myself, years and years from now, retelling the story of racing around a playground, repeatedly hitting my head, and ungracefully sliding down the slides within it to emerge victorious.
That thought was enough to keep the smile on my face for the reminder of the night.
On Friday evening, after a long days’ work, one of the camp officials had announcement to make.
“Right! Since you’ve all done a lot of hard work and made us ahead of schedule, we have decided to give you guys the whole weekend off!” The camp official explained, which was quickly met by a roar of approval.
It wasn’t a massive surprise, as another camp official had informed us earlier in the day that if we got enough done, we could have our first official weekend off. Still, it was a relief to receive confirmation on it.
“Friday nights are Brazen Nights!” Someone yelled out, clear on what they were planning on their first night of freedom of the week.
Nope. I decided, definitely not for me.
Fortunately, I wasn’t the only one who decided that Brazen Nights weren’t entirely for them. I went out for dinner with Lewis and Courtney, heading to the local diner that I couldn’t help but fall in love with. We chatted, sharing the excitement of officially seeing NYC for the first time tomorrow.
Well, second first time for me.
It was truly relaxing, with no pressure and no loudness – just a calming evening that led us to sitting by a lake at a nearby park. We simply watched the day come to an end, feeling anticipation for the next.