The Perspective of Destiny

Entry #21.5 / 9th July 2022

Half an hour later, I wandered down the streets of Brooklyn, attempting to locate a gift shop. I wanted to get a top or a hoodie (preferably a hoodie to add to the ever-growing collection) with Brooklyn written across it—something to cement how incredible this day has been—something that I can wear as a reminder of what happens when I follow my own path.

            But that’s the thing – your own path can lead you to so many unexpected places.

            After walking a good mile next to the East River, I adventured into the streets of Brooklyn, faithfully following Google Maps’s directions. However, after a good couple of minutes of being in my own world and staring at my phone like a Genie Bottle, I glanced upwards.

            My feet stopped before my mind fully caught up. I didn’t understand what I was looking at – it was just endless tall buildings, all styled in unique ways, and a bridge (was it for cars? Or walking?) not too far from where I stopped. I frowned, trying to place this area… It was oddly familiar but not at the same time.

            The city’s busy streets were suddenly replaced with the racing beat of my heart, and I looked around, curious as to what my body was responding to. There was no danger or anyone I knew about…

            Forcing my feet to move, I pulled out my earphones as I took in the area, slowly getting closer and closer to the bridge—a bridge that oddly looked familiar—more familiar than the area itself.

            Eyes narrowed, I came to a soft pause, the familiarity of the bridge now screaming at me. I could’ve been standing there for hours, but when it finally hit me –

            “No…” I shook my head, my body slowly turning in the direction I needed for the familiarity to slip into place. “It can’t –”

            It can be.

            Air evacuated from my being as my eyes settled on the building side across the street. A building that was nothing special. A building that was one of the first few buildings I saw when I first came to New York at fifteen. A building that inspired me to develop a hobby in photography.

            There it was.

            It was a bit different from when I last saw it. I mean, it has been over a decade since. It was bound to change. For one the fire escape stairs were no longer there, and the ground floor windows were gone. Only the first and second floor windows were still in place.

            It was apparent that if someone heard the differences from what it was initially, they would question me on if it was actually the same building.

            But it was the same building. Not only because the bridge was pretty much the same from what I remembered, but… Call it intuition or instinct, but I knew it was the same building, adapted and changed over time.

            Like me.

            Taking a seat on one of the nearby benches just opposite the building, my whole body went into an emotional shock state. Everything around me no longer mattered, as the universe had taken over.

            This… this can’t be a coincidence.

            Many people may scoff at this, but in recent years, I have come to believe the universe speaks to us – speaks to me – to highlight to us that we are on the correct path. It can happen with recurring places, phrases, words or a building.

            The NYC Public Library. Brooklyn Bridge. The photographers. Washington Street. Cecconi’s Dumbo. Pebble Beach.

            There were so many moments today—unforgettable, happy, independent—where my individuality shined as the sun did, where I finally began to understand the world, understand why I am here…

            I was meant to see this. I was meant to see Washington DC, NYC, Brooklyn and any of my upcoming future travels…

            And it’s meant to be just me.

            I stared and stared at the building. Another piece of the puzzle of my life fitting into place. That, despite all the doubts, disbelief and opinions of others, I was headed down the right path. My path isn’t as simple as a single job, a house, marriage and kids…

            My path is something completely different.

            And the universe is screaming at me to embrace it.


The rest of the day was a joyful blur. I couldn’t find the gift shop I was looking for, but it didn’t bother me too much. I already felt much more fulfilled than when the day started—the hoodie would’ve just been an added bonus. However, I strolled through some neighbourhoods and got the photo my sister had requested.

            I didn’t want to leave Brooklyn. I wanted to stay in this universe-talking-to-me bubble for as long as possible, but even I knew it was probably best to leave before sunset. I didn’t know the streets at all, where it was safe to be, or what to avoid. So, once finishing my round of self-timing pictures, I headed towards the Brooklyn Bridge and crossed it for the second time before catching a subway back to Grand Central.


When I returned to Pleasantville, I was in no hurry to return to the university campus. Instead, after getting some food from 7-Eleven, I stopped by the small park near the campus – Oppermans Pond Park.

            Sitting on the fishing platform, I watched the beauty of the sunset, which coloured the sky pink and purple, and the pond responded to the gentle colours with its tiny sparkles and smooth waves. While I’m not a massive fan of fish, I could even appreciate the sight of various fish swimming in their natural home.

            It was a perfect way to end a perfect day.

            ‘Note to self!’ The bright voice returned, though her voice felt more like a hum than its normal exclaims. ‘Always end the day on a sunset!’

            I smiled at the thought, refusing to move as I watched the day end.

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